So u wanna know what’s my greatest regret in life? Okay; here it is:
“It was half past three in the afternoon when I met her. We were just past the Old Town Square and were enjoying the enormous six-hundred-year-old astronomical clock. My partner asked to stop someplace she could pee. Finding a place was not so hard. All I need to do was just look around and find that fantastic hotel. We entered into the lobby of U Prince Hotel.

We finished our lunch, visited another couple of places in the city and headed back to our hotel.”
So, after twenty-two years I’m here in front of you and you are asking me about my greatest regret in life. Yes. You are my greatest regret in my life. You crazy, chubby, ugly, shallow woman; bearer of two stupid daughters whom I cannot tolerate, even for a second. You with those foolish ideas of things that have killed all the joy and happiness in my life.
“Yeah; I was sitting there at the corner table of the terrace restaurant and was looking at those orange Lego-shaped buildings while my partner was saying how happy she is with me in this city. The Sauvignon Blanc wine and the eyes of that brunet femme fatale finally forced me to make my decision. I excused myself and told my girl that I needed to wash my hands. I Headed toward the elevator and went down to the lobby and talked with you. Then I joined my girlfriend, we finished our lunch, visited other places in the city and headed back to our hotel. Actually, that lunch was our last supper. It was the last night I saw her. I left her the very next morning when I received your email. We married three months later. And have lived together since then. I could have avoided all of these miseries if only I hadn’t drunk that Sauvignon Blanc and hadn’t gotten my ass off that chair.”
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